Events 2016-17

Events Organized in 2016-17

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In Project Pro participating teams displayed and demonstrated their BE project to Judge, Mr. Havan Agrawal. Their projects were judged on various aspects followed by questions based on their algorithms and other implementation methods involved. Judges rated their participants separately and their individual scores were tallied by Devika Shanbhag and team to calculate the winners. Certificates were made and handed over to the winners. Devika felicitated the Judge with thank you speech and a CSI Mug + Letter of Appreciation..

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This event was mainly emphasized more for the Masters students. Each student was asked to prepare a poster on any particular topic and present it to the students. 2 Judges,Mrs Pradnya and Mrs Sujata judged their posters on various aspects followed by questions. Judges rated their participants separately and their individual scores were tallied by Sambit and Smruti to calculate the winners.

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The event was presided over by Vikrant Chaudhary and consisted of teams with maximum of 2 people. The round involved simple coding questions to be solved by each of the team member and then swap their PCs after half time and complete each other’s code. Points were evaluated by Vikrant and Team and certificates were handed over to the winners.

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Participating teams were asked to prepare a presentation of their technical paper and present it to the judges. 2 judges, Aditya Joshi and Narayan Acharya, judged their papers on different criteria. The time limit per team for presenting their paper was 10 minutes. It was then followed up by questions by the judges. Judges rated their participants separately and their individual scores were tallied to calculate the winners.

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The event, Big Data and Hadoop seminar was the conducted by SEED Infotech, for all CSI members.The main aim was to get all participants get an in-depth knowledge about Hadoop and how Giants like Facebook and Google store their immense database of users and still manage to have blazing fast speeds.

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The event, Virtual Reality Open House was the conducted by VAMRR and ENSO, one of the sponsors of CSI-KJSCE TechNext 2K17 .It was free for all members.The main aim was to make all participants experience reality like never before. As one of the hottest trends of the year, Virtual Reality was a experience worth experiencing.

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The event, Augmented Reality Seminar was conducted by Studio27 in association with VAMRR . It was an intercollegiate seminar.The main aim was to make all participants experience hands on approach towards using Unity3D. The seminar was conducted so that the teams would be able to build a simple AR app in the competition which would be conducted later in the day.

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The workshop on Cryptography was conducted by CSI KJSCE for the students of FY BTech .The main aim was to get all participants familiarized with the concepts and different techniques used in cryptography. Also, programs were implemented for the various encrypting techniques.

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In this blind race to prepare for GRE and go ahead for our further studies, we often overlook the other great feasible career options. To shed light on one such post graduate test, the speaker Vivek Barsopiya,IITB gave this seminar.After the seminar, questions were asked and doubts were cleared Chief guests,Mrs Nandana Prabhu and Mrs Swati Mali were requested to felicitate our speaker. General Secretary,Vivek Rai, gave a short talk about the examination and his friend’s anecdote.

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The seminar on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning was the first seminar to be conducted on 29th August 2016 by CSI KJSCE for the students of FY BTech.The main aim of seminar was to get all students familiar with the topics of AI and Machine Learning. The speakers of this seminar were Purvak Lapsiya (Joint General Secretary) and Devika Shanbhag (Technical Head).