Events 2017-18

Events Organized in 2017-18

study abroad
This seminar was to highlight the FE’s about various technical fields in Computers and how to make the best use of their 4 years of engineering, how CSI would help them in This seminar was conducted on 12th Sept 2017 for FE’s. The total count of attendees was 85. Speakers for this seminar were Jt. Gen Secretary Dhiti Thakkar, Tech Head Sarfaraz, and Jt. Technical Head Sumit Poojary.

study abroad
This seminar was about Artificial Intelligence and primarily of Machine Learning. This seminar was conducted on 14th Sept 2017 for FE’S. The total count of attendees in the Seminar was 155. Tech Head Sarfaraz and Jt. Gen Secretary Dhiti Thakker were the speakers.

study abroad
This workshop was conducted on 15th Sept 2017. It was the implementation part of what was explained in the ML seminar. The total count of attendees was 157. Speakers were Pr Head Aromal, Tech Head Sarfaraz, Coordinator Bhairavi, Jt. Gen Sec Dhiti, Financial Secretary Harsh and Secretary Soham, and Co-speakers were Event Team: Neha, Alisagar, Tech Team: Jasdeep, Hitanshu, Hitansh, and Jt. Financial Secretary Shivani.

study abroad
This workshop was conducted for SE’s on 29th Sept 2017 and for TEs on 11th Oct 2017. This workshop was about creating a Cordova app and an Ionic app. The total count of attendees was 33 SE's and 15 TEs.Speakers were Tech head Sarfaraz and Jt. Gen Sec Dhiti, Co-speakers were Tech team: Hitansh and Hitanshu for SE's and Speaker was Tech head Sarfaraz and co-speaker was Tech team Hitansh for TEs.

study abroad
This workshop was about creating an app using Unity and Vuforia SDK. This workshop was conducted on 3rd Nov 2017. This workshop was for FEs. The total count of attendees was 73. Speakers were Tech Head Sarfaraz, Jt. Technical Head Sumit, Jt. Gen Secretary Dhiti, Pr Head Aromal.Co-speakers were Tech Team: Hitansh, Hitanshu, and Jasdeep.