Events 2018-19

Events Organized in 2018-19

study abroad
It was conducted on the 13th of August 2018. This seminar was conducted for the FEs to provide them with an overview of the various different domains of study that they can explore throughout their four years or enigineering and how they can further create a career for themselves in that particular domain. The speakers for the same were Technical head Hitanshu Shah, General Secretary Hitansh Shah, and Financial Secretary Shreya Varma while PRO Ruchi Bhatia hosted the event. We had an overwhelming response of around 166 attendees and the event proved to be a huge success.

study abroad
Introduction to Python for Machine Learning:
It was conducted on the 20th of August 2018. This workshop was conducted for SEs and TEs, aiming at introducing the students to the conceptual basics of Python required for Machine Learning and the various libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib which are used in Data Analysis. The speakers for the same were Technical Head Hitanshu Shah, Jt. General Secretary Bhavini Mamtora, PRO Ruchi Bhatia, and Kaustubh Damania from the Event Team. The total count for the event was around 25.

study abroad
Advanced Machine Learning:
It was conducted on the 21st of August 2018. This workshop was in continuation to the workshop on Introduction to Python for Machine Learning. It was aimed at putting the concepts of basic Python libraries learned in the previous workshop to practice with Advanced Machine Learning with an introduction to the linear regression model. The speakers for the same were General Secretary Hitansh Shah, Technical Head Hitanshu Shah, Jt. Technical Head Tanish Sehgal and Secretary Aliasgar Haji. Around 23 people attended the workshop.

study abroad
Seminar on Machine Learning:
It was conducted on the 10th of September 2018. This seminar was conducted only for the FEs to introduce them to the notion of Machine Learning and its implementation in the field of Artificial Intelligence. The three models under Machine Learning were the main point of discussion. The speakers for the same were General Secretary Hitansh Shah, Technical Head Hitanshu Shah, and Jt. Technical Head Tanish Sehgal. The seminar was a great success with an excellent response of 140 attendees.

study abroad
Workshop on Cryptography
It was conducted on the 28th of September 2018. This workshop was conducted for the FEs to provide them with an overview of the concept of cybersecurity, the types of cyber threats, cryptography, and the types of ciphers used in the same. The speakers for the same were Technical Head Hitanshu Shah, Jt. Technical Heads Tanish Sehgal and Kunj Haria, Creative Head Jash Gopani, Jt. Financial Secretary Darshan Chheda, Shivali Joshi from the PR Team, Aditya Panchal from the Technical Team, and Preeti Poddar from the Event Team. Around 80 people attended the workshop.